Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Watch Your Step

                Summer breezes and warm temperatures immediately force thoughts of sandals and barefoot adventures.  Most of us never think twice about slipping on a pair of soft, comfy, flip-flops at the end of a busy day.  Fact is that at home we become very comfortable in our own skin.  Only at the time that we share our outer layers with others are we concerned with the look and feel of our skin.   Here is a great way to get your feet ready for those times when everyone is watching your step.

                Good old fashion foot soak is the best way to get your feet into tip top shape quickly.    I love to do foot soaks while watching my favorite shows.   Soaking my feet helps me to relax and it does not take extra time out of my day.   “Soothing Mineral Bath Salts” by Jafra Cosmetics is on my favorites list.  The ocean minerals purify and detoxify tired skin.  The ingredients include Eucalyptus & Ginger.  Eucalyptus & Ginger are used to help in soothing tired nerves.  I absolutely love the calming effect.  While you can use in the tube for the entire body, my favorite way to use it is in a foot soak.  I absolutely love this product because it releases toxins in my feet and softens then at the same time.

                For a little extra help on those callus areas of the foot, I use Jafra’s Ginger and Sea Salt Body Rub.  This rub exfoliates those callus areas caused by shoes and sometimes dehydration. The vitamin E and marine extracts leaves skin velvety and this product works well with the Bath Salts.  Together these products create amazing results. 

Here is how I use them:                                    

Small foot tub (purchased at discount store for $2.50)
Very warm water (fill tub half way)
Sprinkle “Soothing Mineral Bath Salts”( #5012 $28.50) into water.  Be sure to stir and dissolve salts.
Soak feet for about 5 minutes.  This helps to soften dead skin.
Use “Ginger and Sea Salt Body Rub” (#5013 $28.50) to exfoliate dead skin cells. Re-soak feet for another 10 minutes, while relaxing your cares away!
To finish, dry feet and use a good moisturizing lotion such as Royal Ginger Lotion (#13163 $21.50).

     I don’t always have time to go to the spa; however, I do want soft beautiful feet.  The cost is really inexpensive when you think about it.  One visit to the spa is about $45.00.  With Jafra’s products, they will last for about 3 to 6 months (depending on how many times you use them, of course).  If you complete one foot soak a week for 12 weeks that would be approximately $6.50 per soak! WOW sounds like a deal to me!
     During the summer, everyone seems to notice your feet, especially when you are wearing open toed shoes.  What do you think of first when you see someone with crusty toes and heal?  The word that comes to my mind is yikes!  Don’t be on someone’s worst feet list…you know that there is a list, so watch your step!

To Order these products ...visit

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